I know that, somebody's frying...

sometimes the simplest things can end up being the most difficult. like riding a bike (yeah... I had that faceplant out in wilderness last week, then, mames decided to one-up me and ate pavement coming back from the farmer's market and ended up breaking her wrist:(. kind of a bad week), or using a coaster (I may never get that down), and even frying an egg (or in this case, explaining how to properly fry an egg:). yeah, you read that right. It's not that the act of frying an egg is difficult. you've probably done it dozens of times, maybe even hundreds. I may even have entered into thousands territory as I use to be a brunch cook, but until the other day, I'd never fried one properly. you see, the problem with frying eggs is getting the yolk (which should always be over easy:) and the white (firm, yet silky, with a crispy outer edge) perfectly done at the same time. to do this, you need to cook the egg at a low temp, which allows for the whites to firm up, but remain soft and not get rubbery, which happens with the introduction of high heat, but you also have to mind that creamy orange-gold orb of goodness on top, and make sure not to overcook the yolk, but you need to apply some heat without totally killing it. whew!, sounds like a lot to deal with? yeah, I know. that's why I made a video. clicksters.
DISH recommends: iPhone4. mames filmed this vid with my new phone. i love it. I'm sure someone will tell me there are better phones out there and bigger screens, and a million other reasons I should have bought a droid, but guess what? iDon'tcare. does that make me an elitist? probably. tell me something I don't know...
ps: youtube version here.


anuj sharma said...

wow...that was an awesome video for a left hand...it is good that iphone's video doesn't stop due to the death grip ;-)

Mia said...

iDon't judge. You can love that phone all you want.

And as long as I still screw up reheating food in the microwave, I think I'll stay away from egg frying.

Thank GOD I married a man who can cook!