My new stove is the size of an easter island head...with a pop out chin that you can cook on, BOOYAH!

ok seriously?!? SERIOUSLY!! I know, I know...I'll wait for it to sink in...
There I was, rounding the corner into my new prospective kitchen, and turned around only to have my heart sink down to the murky deeps of dishland. I felt jittery, apprehensive, and totally confused (just like that time I called "miss cleo" after that cappucino/powdered doughnut/lotto ticket binge, and considering my track record with that one, I was not optimistic...) about this beast of chrome, glass, and "Infinite heat" (click on the pics, you'll see...). I had seen the fridge in pictures posted online and was pretty hopeful since it was stainless steel. I thought that maybe I would luck out and the range/oven, would be somewhat of a match to the fridge. No, and also no...infinity. You should also know that this sucker is recessed into the wall and has oven doors that open up like a delorean. So, even with all that said...there is a tiny part of me (like "pinky toe" tiny) that is excited for this challenge. I should also mention that it may or may not work to full capacity:)
DISH recommends: rival crock pot. This is my backup plan. at least until we start to remodel. I'm going to try and tinker with that beasty but if I can't get it working, I always have crocky and webster to rely on (of course I name my kitchen appliances, don't act surprised.) prices vary, along with bells and whistles.


Anonymous said...

WOW. Just... wow. It doesn't even look like an oven, really. And those burners! WTH?

A challenge, indeed. :)


Chris said...

Awesome!!! That brings back some memories.

Green said...

It scares me a little, you should probably wear a hoop skirt and frilly apron when you cook in there... you don't want to make it feel threatened.

foxspit said...

So mod! It's far out!