Cool as a cucumber? more like Hot as a kitty in the sun...a kitty made of foil...

For the most part, I like to think that I am a reasonably calm person.  I tend to take most things in stride and can usually see the brighter side of situations.  Lately, however, I have had an escalating fear that has (with accelerating speed) crept into the foreground of my mind.  What could this be, you ask?  Alien invasion?  rabid, bloodthirsty rabbits?  Killer bees?  No. no. and also no.  I'm afraid of the upcoming farmer's market season.  You might think that it's silly, but I am honestly already scared.  I will be the first one "in" this year to start things out on friday night and have already imagined many possible catastrophes (some have to do with tripping and falling into a running mixer!).  Luckily, We have a new guy to help out and the seasoned Marthy Marth to make sure things run smoothly.  Maybe I just have the jitters.  I think that I am kind of freaking myself out.  So, to combat this impending doom, I have upped my working out and have been trying to eat healthier and do things of that sort.  for those of you who might think I am being silly, let me just say that market season is pretty brutal.  Way less sleep, lots more work, and lots more work.  hopefully we can all take it in stride and bake some tasty bread treats; and if you live in lincoln or Omaha, you had better go check us out!  
ok, food:  I made some beef stir fry with peanut sauce the other night.  It is an adaptation from one of Martha's recipes.  I really like this stuff, it's pretty tastified, and has lots of room for improv.  Not much else went on over the weekend.  I went to watchmen, so that pretty much took up a whole day, man that movie was looooong.  It was pretty good though.  I had read the book previously, and they did a pretty good job sticking to the story (until the end).  The picture of the cucumbers is from the weekly "sunday night veggie-bag ensemble."  That's right, we make bags o' veggies every sunday night and then we have snacks for the rest of the week.  lately, it's been celery, carrots, cucumbers, and then we try to throw in whatever is in season.  We have some snow peas in there now.  You'd be surprised what substituting these for chips or candy will do for you and how much better you will feel.  so, come on, give it a try!
DISH recommends:
Listening to Earlimart.  the album I like best is "hymn and her".  Particularly like the track "time for yourself."  give it a listen.

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