ok, I swear I have heard my mom use that term for getting rid of odds
and ends that you have in the fridge. If memory serves, I believe she said you take everything leftover in your fridge that might go together, mix it up, add a couple of eggs and cook it! seriously???? sounds more like a dare than a dish. It reminds me of the weird kid at summer camp who would mix every soft drink and swirl jello into his mashed potatoes. sick, weird kid.
anywhosies, I kind of did that with this soup. I had a lot of extra veg just kickin it around the ol' icebox, so I made a sort of loaded baked potato soup. tates, broccoli, shallots,leeks, bacon, corn, etc. some chicken stock and heavy cream. tasty, and a lot more appetizing than smothloganfarm.
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