the Maiden voyage

well, here we go!  This is to be the first of many posts concerning food preparation, baking, biking, etc.  The idea is to post new recipes, discoveries concerning recipes and the like so that people (mostly my fam) can check out what I am doing and wish they were here to eat it with me.

Today, was a pretty big day for doing yardwork so not much was done in the realm of cooking.  I did make some pizzas on the grill (ham, Camembert, and arugula. homemade sausage and artichoke and a margherita.)  Also, I am still perfecting my technique for lemonade and have made some great strides since day one.  A lot of recipes that I see want you to steep aromatics in the simple syrup but I find that steeping them in the water to be used in the finished product way more beneficial.  Currently, I am working on a ginger mint version that is pretty bombtastic!  Tomorrow, I am going to so some posting about recent sausage-making adventures and things of the sort.   

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